
Monday, August 16, 2010


Last week I took a quick one-day trip with my boss over to an apartment complex in Auburn, AL called Eagle's West that our company owns and manages. We decorated and staged a one-bedroom model to try and entice some more people to rent at this location. This was my first real stab at decorating a model (which is something that I think we will be doing a lot more of...) We did most of the shopping for the model the day before we went. Our budget was $3,000 (not inlcuding major furniture items) and we ending up spending $2,700. I must say it was very fun getting to shop and put together something like this overnight - it almost did not feel like work... does this mean I like my job? :) Here are the pics - how do you think we did?


Ryan said...

I'd rent from there!

Sherry H. said...

Very, very nice! I wish you lived closer. I could sure use your help :)

Rachel said...

I loved working in model homes... residential feel without all the emotions from a client that lives in it! Best of both worlds!

Cindy H said...

Looks lovely!!!

Christine said...

I like that art above the bed. Where is it from?
Great job on the staging!