
Sunday, April 18, 2010


I finally get to return the favor as a bridesmaid to one of my very best friends...This Thursday I leave for Jacksonville to go to Jackie's wedding. I am so excited to be able to be a part of the wedding party and be there as she and Billy get married. I can't believe that it has been 5 years since Jackie and I have become friends... although we went through all of interior design school together at Florida, it was not until our Junior year that we began to have all of our classes together and really became good friends... Jackie informed me a couple of weekends ago that one of the first times that we really talked was when she beat me out at the end of our sophomore year as the president-elect for the student chapter of ASID/IIDA. We definitely did not let that ruin our friendship. :) Here are a few pics from a the past few years of some really good memories... ENJOY!

St. Patrick's Day in Nashville - Interiors 06 ASID Conference

Senior Chicago Trip - One of my favorite pics :)

Chicago - On top of the John Hancock Bldg.

Riverboat cruise in Chicago - complaining about the rain & cold!

Halloween 2006

Christmas 2006 - ASID/IIDA Student Officers

Our beautiful snow flakes!

Our awesome Senior FINAL project - The Seafoam Bar & Lounge

ASID/IIDA End of the year dinner 2007

End of the year Senior class dinner :)

GRADUATION DAY!! We thought this day would never come!

The Girls minus Vivi... with Paula oddly squatting?

At my wedding... October 2007

Vivi's Wedding - January 2008

Savannah March 2010

Dinner in Savannah - WE LOVE YOU :)

To Jackie - I am so incredibly excited for you and Billy as you are about to start your lives together as a married couple. Josh and I will be praying for you both as you learn to love each other more and more and give God the glory in your marriage. I love you and I am so incredibly excited about your big day on Saturday!! Thank you for letting me be a part of your wedding - I am so honored.

1 comment:

marissa moss said...

congrats to jackie and billy! can't wait to see pictures from their big day. have fun!! :)